Determine the amount of users for XenDesktop/XenApp
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At almost every project start one of the first questions how many users the environment can handle or how many hardware should be ordered so all users have a good user experience. It is probably the most difficult to answer at the start of a project. Probably if you give the right answer, which is it depends, you will get the question you have experiences in other organizations and aren’t there benchmarks or best practices available. In this article I will try to explain my vision that you cannot determine this at the start of the project, based on my practical experiences at several projects.
Read more: Determine the amount of users for XenDesktop/XenApp
Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp 7.x LTSR or CR, which one to choose?
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With the release of Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp (I will use XenDesktop for the further article) 7.6 FP3 Citrix introduced the Long Term Service Release (LTSR) and the Current Release (CR) lifecycles. Now we are sometime further it is good to take a look how this introduction involved and what should be considered for choosing one of the release cycles. In this article I will start describing what both releases actually means and provides the point that you should consider for choosing which release cycle for you organization.
Read more: Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp 7.x LTSR or CR, which one to choose?
Unattended Installation scripts XenDesktop 7.x Part 5
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In the earlier articles I wrote down how to install unattended the XenDesktop components. The article was based on the versions of XenDesktop 7.6 till XenDesktop 7.11 (dependent of the article). Currently Citrix is releasing every quarter a new version, so it’s time to update the articles with the new installation information of later release(s) based on XenDesktop/XenApp 7.12 and XenDesktop/XenApp 7.13.
Read more: Unattended Installation scripts XenDesktop 7.x Part 5
Load Balancing Citrix Delivery Controllers via a Load Balancer necessity?
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At one of my projects we were discussing the high level design decisions and one of the discussion topics were setting-up the Delivery Controllers high available and redundant. During the talk we discussed the necessity of using Load Balancer appliances in front of the Delivery Controller. Based on that talk I thought it was a good idea to write an article about this topic including my opinion.
Logically we need to start which communication streams are being used to the Delivery Controllers which should be taken into account. Communicating to the delivery controller has three communication streams.
Virtual Delivery Agent (VDA) communication
StoreFront communication Application enumeration/ICA file creation (XML broker)
NetScaler (and StoreFront) STA communication
Let’s dig deeper in each communication stream.
Read more: Load Balancing Citrix Delivery Controllers via a Load Balancer necessity?
Failover (im)possibilities of XenDesktop 7.x Part 6 After the XenDesktop 7.12 release
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In the earlier article series Failover (im)possibilities I wrote about the failover/load balancing possibilities in XenDesktop 7.x, where part 5 was about Desktop 7.11. In this article I will discuss the XenDesktop 7.12 release and will also go into a bit more detail what is expected in future releases (where possible).
Read more: Failover (im)possibilities of XenDesktop 7.x Part 6 After the XenDesktop 7.12 release
Installing and configuring Citrix XenDesktop Linux VDA
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Citrix released the Linux VDA back together with the XenDesktop 7.6. At the moment of writing the article Citrix released version 1.4 of the Linux VDA. For previous version Citrix released a PDF with the installation and configuration steps, for 1.4 this is currently only available in the edocs. Unfortunate both available options are not fully complete, are missing some steps (for some environments) and/or are using not the best commands or steps. Luckily I was at a customer with lots of Linux knowledge and we got is sorted pretty quickly. In this article I will write down the steps we configured the Linux VDA.
Read more: Installing and configuring Citrix XenDesktop Linux VDA
Failover (im)possibilities of XenDesktop 7.x Part 5: After the XenDesktop 7.11 release
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In the earlier article series Failover (im)possibilities <<LINK to part 4>> I wrote about the failover/load balancing possibilities in XenDesktop 7.x, where 4 was about Desktop 7.9. In this article I will discuss the XenDesktop 7.11 release and will also go into a bit more detail what is expected in future releases (where possible).
Read more: Failover (im)possibilities of XenDesktop 7.x Part 5: After the XenDesktop 7.11 release
Zones in Citrix XenApp/XenDesktop 7.11
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On 14 September Citrix released XenApp/XenDesktop 7.11. Each release Citrix adds several enhancements to the product. One of those enhancements is the new functionalities to the Zones component (which became available in version 7.9). The enhancement is a re-inventing of the Zone Preferences in Presentation Server 4.5/5 or Worker Groups in XenApp 6.5. In this article I will show the functionality, the configuration possibilities, how it works (in cooperation with the Application Priority) and if the functionality is fully comparable with the Zone Preferences and/or Worker Groups functionality.
Unattended Installation scripts XenDesktop 7.x Part 4
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In the earlier articles I wrote down how to install unattended the XenDesktop components. The article was based on the versions of XenDesktop 7.6 till XenDesktop 7.8 (dependent of the article). Currently Citrix is releasing every quarter a new version, so it’s time to update the articles with the new installation information of later release(s) based on XenDesktop/XenApp 7.9 and XenDesktop/XenApp 7.11.
Read more: Unattended Installation scripts XenDesktop 7.x Part 4
Configure Single Sign On (SSON) for Citrix Receiver
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Citrix Single Sign-On or Pass-through is already for a really long time. The configuration is not changed a lot in this years, however when I was configuring this at a customer it took me again some time before it was running. The configuration with the latest Receivers is changed a bit and there is not (I could not find it) total step by step guide for setting-up the Single Sign On (SSON). In this article I will write down the steps to set-up SSON including a granular way within an Enterprise organization using Citrix Receiver 4.x and XenApp/XenDesktop 7.x.
Read more: Configure Single Sign On (SSON) for Citrix Receiver