Setting-up Teams on VDI/SBC, CVAD 2402 LTSR released, CTP Class 2024, RDP with security keys and CVAD VDA for macOS Tech Preview.

Last week Thomas Koezting published how to set-up the new Teams on Windows Server 2022, the article Procedure for setting up the new Microsoft Teams on VDI W2022, W2019, W10 and W11 Multiuser platform also with the solution for Server 2019 and W10/W11 multiuser.

Citrix (finally) released Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops (CVAD) 2402 LTSR.

The Citrix CTP Class of 2024 is announced, congratulations to the new and renewed CTPs.

In the article the complete guide to RDP with Security Keys Jonas Markström is describing how to authenticate with a FIDO2 security key to an RDP session. Article is already from 2023, but still interesting in my opinion.

Citrix also released a Public Tech Preview of the CVAD VDA for macOS.