Observability vs Monitoring, Citrix Analytics for Security Custom Risk Indicators, Single-User v Multi User AVD, Curated resiliency recommendations AVD and FSLogix 2210 HF4.

In the article Observability vs Monitoring Igor van der Burgh is describing what observability actually is and how Citrix (Cloud Software Group) is acting in this market.

Also Igor van der Burgh published an article on the Citrix community website discussing the Citrix Analytics for Security Custom Risk Indicators.

In the article Unveiling the True Cost: Single-User vs. Multi-User Sessions in Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop Ruben Spruijt and Ryan Ververs-Bijkerk are discussing the cost calculators of Microsoft AVD for single-user and mult-user and their calcuation results are really different.

Tom Hickling is discussing the Azure Proactive Resiliency Library for AVD. The Azure Proactive Resiliency Library is a collection of best practices, recommendations, and scripts that help you improve the resiliency of your Azure Virtual Desktop environment.

Microsoft released a new timeline for the phase out of the MS Teams classic client. Unfortunat the new timeline for VDI is not released yet.

Microsoft announced the release date of FSLogix 2210 Hotfix 4, which will be the 14th of May. This hotfix will support the new MS Teams client fully also on Server 2019.